diversity policy

A Diversity / Equal Opportunity Statement

The following statement forms part of the tua interior’s equal opportunity policy and complies with the Commission for Racial Equality’s Code of Practice for Employment.  

tua interiors is an equal opportunity employer. The aim of this policy is to ensure that no job applicant or employee receives less favourable treatment on the grounds of race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origins, sex, marital status, religion or is disadvantaged by conditions or requirements which cannot be shown to be justifiable. The company does not hire or fire, reward or punish, or award or deny contracts based on personal considerations, including but not limited to, favouritism, nepotism or bribery. The company does not discriminate against others based on, but not limited to, gender, race, age, religion, disability, nationality or sexual orientation.  

Selection criteria and procedure will be regularly reviewed to ensure that individuals are selected, promoted & treated on the basis of their relevant merits and abilities. 

All employees will be given equal opportunities and where appropriate special training to progress within the company. The company is committed to a programme of action to make this policy effective. The satisfactory operation of this equal opportunity policy is the responsibility of every employee within the company, but primarily company management to whom all enquiries should be directed.  

Any vacancy will be filled, if possible, by promotion within the company, taking into account experience, reliability, length of service and general suitability for a position of responsibility and trust.  

Vacancies not filled by promotion within the company will be made known to 

all employees and all applicants for vacancies shall receive a copy of this equal opportunity policy statement on request. Any employee who feels that he/she has any grievance for whatever reason, but especially racial discrimination or harassment of any kind, should make known their grievance to management, who shall endeavour to rectify the situation at the earliest opportunity.  

Any employee wanting to belong to a recognised trade union is free to do so, provided they agree to comply with all conditions of employment within the company and that the trade union will not do anything that would conflict with the majority of the employees.  

The company also recognise the Equality Act 2010 which aims to protect disabled people and prevent disability discrimination. It provides legal rights for disabled people in the areas of employment; education; access to goods, services and facilities (including larger private clubs and land-based transport services); buying and renting land or property and functions of public bodies (e.g. issuing of licences). The Equality Act also provides rights for people not to be directly discriminated against or harassed because they have an association with a disabled person. This can apply to a carer or parent of a disabled person.  

In addition, people must not be directly discriminated against or harassed because they are wrongly perceived to be disabled.